16 July, 2015

Through its non-profit Visteon Fund, Visteon Corporation recently donated US$ 4,000 to support a leadership-building program for students at Tyler Elementary School in Belleville, Michigan, near the company's corporate offices and innovation center in Van Buren Township.

The donation was facilitated by one of the company's employee resource groups, Women in Visteon, in support of the school's 'Leader in Me' program. The innovative, school-wide model is based on the '7 Habits of Highly Effective People' created by the late Stephen R. Covey – which is designed to develop leadership skills and build confidence in students from childhood.

Tyler Elementary recently completed its second year of participation in the Leader in Me program, which teaches critical thinking, goal setting, listening and speaking, self-directed learning, presentation-making and the ability to work in groups – all skills designed to enhance the future workforce.

"Things that we have done this year are proof that when children are given the opportunity to lead, great things happen. And great things have definitely happened at Tyler," said Aleisa Pitt, Principal, Tyler Elementary School.


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